After the unpleasantness of yesterday’s blog post I needed something fresh and cheerful to get the bad taste out of my mouth. For me a singing warbler will do it every time.
Out of the many thousands of Yellow Warbler photos I’ve taken this summer this one from yesterday morning will likely turn out to be my favorite. But the reason for that strong preference will require an explanation because it’s personal.
If you’re not interested in this subject as a photographer I would think many bird lovers would be interested in it as a demonstration of how incredibly fast little birds are.
Not a great shot but for me the degree of difficulty makes it one I was happy to get. I’ve been trying for weeks to get a photo similar to this one, taken 6 days ago in the Wasatch Mountains.
And you don’t have to be an accomplished photographer to participate. If you photograph birds on any level you’re likely to eventually get some photos that would be helpful.
Last week I posted a few Yellow Warbler images that were taken in the Wasatch Mountains on May 30. I took the photos below on the next day in the Uinta Mountains. Given my pathetic track record with the species I’d say I’m on a roll with Yellow Warblers.