Tag: yellow headed blackbird
Yellow-headed Blackbird Mystery Behavior
Avian Potpourri From My Recent Trip To Bear River MBR
Displaying Yellow-headed Blackbird
Displaying Yellow-headed Blackbird And A Ghoulish Apparition
Male Yellow-headed Blackbird Displaying On A Phrag Plume
Sunrise Performance By A Male Yellow-headed Blackbird
Male Yellow-headed Blackbird Displaying In Low Light
Yellow-headed Blackbird Doing The Vertical Splits
Yellow-headed Blackbird (and getting good detail in deep blacks)
Yellow-headed Blackbird Snagging Midges Out Of The Air
Fledgling Yellow-headed Blackbird, Begging For And Then Receiving Food

I’ve been stuck in the house for what seems like an eternity because of the gloomy weather and lack of light. It rained all day yesterday (which is unusual for us here in the semi-desert) and I keep thinking of all the early summer bird activity I’m missing so this morning I reached back into the archives for some shots that would remind me of what I’m not seeing and photographing. I’m a glutton for punishment…
Blackbird Snagging Midges Out Of The Air
Displaying Yellow-headed Blackbird (and revisiting RAW vs JPEG)
Fledgling Yellow-headed Blackbird Begging For Food

Young Yellow-headed Blackbirds leave the nest long before they can fly, at the very early age of 9 – 12 days. From then until they can fly they spend their time hiding in the dead vegetation near the surface of the water and begging incessantly for food.
This youngster had the begging routine down to a science.