Tag: wing flap
Why Did The Goldeneye Run Across The Pond?
Western Grebe – Me And My Shadow
Drake Common Goldeneye Feeling Frisky
Redhead Wing Flap (a nine image series)
Common Goldeneye Wing Flap
A Handsome Coot?
California Quail In Utah
Double-crested Cormorant Wing Flap
Common Goldeneye – A Wing Flap With An Unusual Twist
Western Grebe Chick Learning Wing-flapping From Dad
Pied-billed Grebe – The Wing-flap That Wouldn’t Quit
Ring-necked Duck – A Poorly Named Bird?
Male Redhead – The “Fool Duck”
Male Redheads are a handsome duck and I’ll photograph them every chance I get. Interesting poses are a bonus.