A Weird Experience With A Coyote On Antelope Island I’ve been photographing coyotes on Antelope Island and elsewhere for many years now and this was the most perplexing behavior I’ve ever seen. Continue reading
Western Meadowlark Triple Wing Stretch This Western Meadowlark gave me just about every stretching pose in the book. Continue reading
Singing Western Meadowlark – An Accidental Success Sometimes things go right even when you screw up. I just wish it happened more often. Continue reading
Western Meadowlark Singing And Stretching Three days ago I spent the morning on Antelope Island and for the first time this year I noticed a significant increase in bird presence and activity. Continue reading
A Couple Of Antelope Island Birds A Chukar overlooking the Great Salt Lake and the fattest meadowlark you’ve ever seen. I’d bet the farm on it. Continue reading
Western Meadowlark – Golden Sunshine In The Snow For me there’s something quite special about a meadowlark in snow. Continue reading
Singing Meadowlark – Thinking About Your Background As You Approach The Bird Oftentimes it’s the little things that make or break an image. Continue reading
A Meadowlark And A Bump In The Road I don’t have a lot of “oomph” in me right now so the bird portion of this post will be brief. I don’t like to inject too much personal stuff into my blog but when it begins to affect Feathered Photography I feel like I should come clean. Continue reading
Western Meadowlark Perched And Taking Off I love a quality takeoff shot so I’ll put up with a less than ideal perch before the bird launches. Continue reading
Western Meadowlark – How Do They Do That? Meadowlarks often perform a pretty neat little trick while they’re landing on sagebrush. Continue reading
Merlin In Warm Light (plus some falconry and family history) Maybe I have falconry blood in my veins and perhaps that’s part of my interest in raptors… Continue reading
A Hawk, A Meadowlark And A Kingfisher Engulfed In The Golds Of Fall The golds of fall come in many tones and shapes, just like the birds I often find surrounded by them. Continue reading
A Merlin With Meadowlark Prey This series, which includes both before and after photos, dramatically illustrates the effects of fog on our images. Continue reading