West Desert Chukar It’s unusual, even rare, for me to get quality photos of truly wild Chukars. (2 photos) Continue reading
A Magpie Acting Strangely And Me Missing The Obvious Pretty soon I shouldn’t be missing stuff like that. (7 photos) Continue reading
Adult Red-tailed Hawk Taking Off And In Flight In The West Desert Yesterday I spent a delightful morning in the west desert. Light was perfect, temps were moderate, there was no wind, birds were beginning to migrate and some of them were even cooperative. (7 photos) Continue reading
Red-tailed Hawk Perched, Taking Off And In Flight Here’s another reason I tend to use very fast shutter speeds on birds. (7 photos) Continue reading
A Sage Thrasher With Chutzpah I still don’t know if his aggression was directed at me, or his reflection, or both. (7 photos) Continue reading
Female Brewer’s Blackbird Repeatedly Attacking An Adult Red-tailed Hawk In Flight A series of aerial attacks that lasted for eight minutes. (9 photos) Continue reading
Turkey Vulture Trying Hard To Cast A Pellet Casting a pellet can be hard work, especially for large birds like vultures. (7 photos) Continue reading
A Small Songbird ‘Counting Coup’ On An Adult Red-tailed Hawk In the tradition of the Plains Indians. (3 photos) Continue reading
Turkey Vulture Spread-wing Postures – From One Extreme To Another I had a busy day yesterday. (2 photos) Continue reading