Male American Goldfinch – A Flash Of Gold Leaving His Perch A male goldfinch in fine breeding plumage made yesterday’s trip to the mountains worth it. Continue reading
Male MacGillivray’s Warbler Turning On His Perch I think this photo from yesterday morning resembles an Audubon painting more than any photo I’ve ever taken. Continue reading
Kingfisher Heaven Yesterday Morning I thought I’d NEVER have more than enough time with a kingfisher up close but yesterday morning that’s exactly what happened. Continue reading
Male Green-tailed Towhee Posing And Singing A bird notorious for its secretive nature becomes conspicuous while singing on territory during the breeding season. Continue reading
A Sampling Of Birds In The Mountains Yesterday Morning Including one with an atypical bill. Continue reading
Cliff Swallow Taking Off With A Mud Load For The Nest A common species that I find difficult to get an uncommonly good photo of. Continue reading
Belted Kingfisher – A Diving Takeoff Diving kingfisher shots have always been high on my ‘holy grail’ short list. Continue reading
Yellow Warbler With Insect Prey Yesterday morning in the Wasatch Mountains I triumphed over strong winds, impending dense clouds and an unnecessary road construction nightmare caused by UDOT and actually got a few (very few) keeper photos. Continue reading
Cooper’s Hawk Stretching And some thoughts about rotating our images to level during processing when we have conflicting leveling cues. Continue reading
Bald Eagles – Sex On The Ice With a voyeuristic magpie and evidence of additional drama on the ice thrown in for good measure. Continue reading
“Stuff” Going On In The Mountains Yesterday Morning Fall color, Cedar Waxwings, Wild Turkeys and a Cooper’s Hawk. Continue reading
Yellow-rumped Warbler Singing Amongst The Flowers A little splash of color and a pretty song in an otherwise dreary week. Continue reading
Red-tailed Hawk Takeoff And Flight Toward Me (10 image series) I’m unusually fond of this bird because it saved both my morning and my bacon after a particularly stupid mistake in my part a few minutes earlier. Continue reading
Dusky Flycatcher Killing and Eating A Yellowjacket In my book any critter that beats the snot out of a yellowjacket deserves more than faint praise. Continue reading