Yellow-rumped Warblers Galore Yesterday afternoon I found a butter-butt shooting gallery. Continue reading
A Truly Badass American Kestrel American Kestrels are known for their badassery but yesterday morning this ballsy male cranked it up a notch. Or three. Continue reading
American Robin In Diving Flight The moment I saw this photo from yesterday morning on my monitor it became my personal favorite of an American Robin. Continue reading
An Atypical Yellow Warbler Photo For Me When it comes to bird photography I usually leave the artsy-fartsy stuff to others. But every once in a while… Continue reading
Immature Cooper’s Hawk Hunting (and pooping) From A Fence Rail Plus my feeble attempt at a landscape photo. Continue reading
White-crowned Sparrow – A Common Bird In An Uncommon Pose I suspect feathers can’t endure much more flexure stress than this without breaking. Continue reading
Lincoln’s Sparrow, Finally There’s good reason why I’ve never posted photos of this species to my blog until today. Continue reading
A Surprise Red-tailed Hawk Yesterday was a day of surprises, both good and bad, and a fair number of good birds. Continue reading
A Cedar Waxwing Becomes Part And Parcel Of A Tree Can one of a photo’s strengths also be a weakness? I’m asking for help in evaluating this one. Continue reading
American Goldfinch In Early Fall Colors Another installment in my intermittent series on the ‘common’ species. They don’t come much more common than a goldfinch on thistle. Continue reading
Song Sparrow In A River Hawthorn Amongst The Berries Song Sparrows don’t generate a lot of excitement but I think this is an unusually handsome specimen in a pretty setting. Continue reading
Least Chipmunk Being Cuter Than Usual This is the first time I’ve ever found two separate optical illusions in the same photo. Continue reading