The Odd Couple And A Kingfisher Finally, I got close to the Hoodie. And then, wouldn’t you know… (3 photos) Continue reading
Red-tailed Hawk – Going For The ‘Long Shot’ You miss every shot you don’t try for and this time I got lucky. (4 photos) Continue reading
Belted Kingfisher Diving Sequence This female kingfisher has been trying my patience. (5 photos) Continue reading
Golden Eagle Taking Off A week ago today was a special day because I had two different encounters with two different Golden Eagles. Continue reading
Red-tailed Hawk Trying To Fake Me Out Despite the hawk’s efforts, this time I prevailed. (6 photos) Continue reading
The Pied-billed Grebe And The Flying Fish Resurrecting bird photography equipment I haven’t used in years. (6 photos) Continue reading
Causeway Coyote When I visit Antelope Island I always try to arrive on the island proper a few minutes before sunrise. That has its advantages and disadvantages. (2 photos) Continue reading
A Bison Spectacle On Antelope Island Three days ago on Antelope Island I was in the right place at the right time. (7 photos) Continue reading
Black-billed Magpie Taking Off And In Flight My first decent magpie flight shots in quite a while. (4 photos) Continue reading