I’ve had several requests from readers asking me to post some of the clipped shots I took of yesterday’s Rough-legged Hawk taking off. This sequential series of five images is my response to those requests and it includes two additional photos that weren’t clipped.
When temperatures get this cold and nearly all fresh water freezes up some bird species are at a distinct disadvantage. Pied-billed Grebes are among them.
I’ve been watching a mated pair of Swainson’s Hawks near Monida, Montana all summer and for several reasons I believe their first nesting may have failed and they started over.
Falcons tend to have long toes but I thought those of this Merlin in flight (2nd image) were especially well seen. Merlins are bird-hunting specialists and they often snag their quarry right out of the air in flight so the bigger “net” they can throw the better.