Tag: stretching
Stretching Broad-tailed Hummingbird
Rufous Red-tailed Hawk Stretching And Casting A Pellet
Male American Kestrel Stretching While Turning On His Perch
Turkey Vultures Stretching And Taking Off Yesterday Morning
If You Want To Photograph Raptors In Flight Learn To Anticipate Their Takeoff
A Peregrine Falcon To Try My Patience
Fledgling Short-eared Owl Wing Stretch
Kingfisher Never Losing Hunting Concentration During A Stretch
An Extremely “Tame” Rough-legged Hawk
The occasional wild raptor is unusually approachable but I’ve rarely had that happen with a Rough-legged Hawk.
Male American Kestrel – An Image Where (Almost) Everything Came Together
Most often on this blog I share my photographic successes but occasionally I can’t resist ranting over one of my near-misses.