Golden Eagle Accelerating Soon After Takeoff Nine days ago I got a long series of photos of a Golden Eagle taking off and in flight. These are three of them. Continue reading
Barn Owl Being Chased By His Shadow But a different composition of the same photo drastically changes the viewer’s perception. Continue reading
Spotted Towhee Making A Living In Harsh Conditions Loading up on food before the storm. Continue reading
The Towhee Twostep When it’s done in snow the results of the ‘towhee twostep’ can be pretty spectacular. Continue reading
Spotted Towhee At The Beginning Of Yesterday’s Snowstorm Damn tough shooting conditions but I found a bunch of birds in an unexpected place. Continue reading
Western Meadowlark Stretching Its Wings On A Mound Of Snow Some folks think of meadowlarks strictly as spring and summer birds but around here they can also be snowbirds. Continue reading
Male American Kestrel In Hoarfrost I’m a big fan of hoarfrost in my bird photos, especially when the bird is as colorful and beautiful as the male American Kestrel. Continue reading
Male American Kestrels On Rabbitbrush This first photo shows the result of a “plop” landing in the snow. The second shot isn’t much more dignified. Continue reading
Horned Lark In Snow, A Cottontail Rabbit And A Banded Kestrel From Yesterday I fully expected to be skunked by the lack of birds or poor light or both but this trip to Antelope Island was a little better than I anticipated. We actually had good light until near the end of the morning and we found a few interesting critters. Continue reading
Western Meadowlark – Golden Sunshine In The Snow For me there’s something quite special about a meadowlark in snow. Continue reading
A Truly Wild Chukar In The Snow Photographing this Chukar gave me a sense of accomplishment that I seldom get when I photograph them on Antelope Island. Continue reading