After the unpleasantness of yesterday’s blog post I needed something fresh and cheerful to get the bad taste out of my mouth. For me a singing warbler will do it every time.
Sometimes I think I focus on raptors too much and don’t give the songbirds their due. This little bundle of energy is my attempt at beginning to make amends.
Some folks might wonder why I would celebrate a Lark Sparrow but for me this classy looking (for a sparrow at least) songbird was a bit of a milestone.
I haven’t been this excited about photographing a bird in a very long time (more about why that’s true at the end of this post if you have the stamina to get through it…).
For me it doesn’t get much better than a meadowlark singing on fresh, green sagebrush in the spring. But in this case it was the takeoff that really attracted my attention.