Tag: siblings
Short-eared Owl Siblings Parallaxing (and an update on the owl hung up on barbed wire)

Normally it’s my practice to avoid posting the same species two days in a row. But in celebration of the (unexpected) good news about the juvenile Short-eared Owl we rescued from barbed wire two days ago I decided to make an exception. After all, I think we all prefer our owls happy and acting normally rather than hanging from barbed wire and in despair.
Juvenile Swainson’s Hawk Landing Practice
Juvenile Swainson’s Hawk – A Leap Of Faith (or at least of hope)
Burrowing Owl Youngsters – Hams Of The Bird World
Prepare to lose your heart if you ever have the opportunity to photograph or watch juvenile Burrowing Owls up close. They’re full of spontaneous antics and personality and they’re cute as a button.