Yellow Warbler Singing Amongst The Berries Two days ago I found another mixed flock of songbirds in the mountains. Continue reading
Clumsy Juvenile Green-tailed Towhee Who can resist the antics of an awkward and clumsy young bird? Or the intrigue in a photo of a perfectly normal and healthy bird that looks nearly decapitated. (7 photos) Continue reading
House Wren Amongst The Serviceberries I think photos of birds are nearly always enhanced by berries in the setting. (3 photos) Continue reading
Green-tailed Towhee Singing Amongst The Serviceberries Yesterday morning I had a very pleasant interlude with a male Green-tailed Towhee singing lustily away in an attractive setting. Continue reading
A Fruit-eating Yellow Warbler Yellow Warblers are known to eat insects and spiders almost exclusively. This one didn’t get the message. Continue reading
Yellow Warbler Jumping To A New Perch In Pursuit Of Berries Yup, another Yellow Warbler. But yesterday morning I caught one doing something kind of interesting. Continue reading