Say’s Phoebes Reacting To A Gopher Snake In A Small Cave They weren’t happy about that snake. (6 photos) Continue reading
Say’s Phoebe Hunting Insects From Rabbitbrush The sound of little wings gave him away. (4 photos) Continue reading
A Persistent And Eventually Successful Male Say’s Phoebe He was always on man-made perches but I photographed him so often and he was so persistent I figured he deserved his day in the limelight. Continue reading
Say’s Phoebe Negotiating An Obstacle At Takeoff Resulting in a somewhat unconventional takeoff posture. Continue reading
My First Ever Say’s Phoebe Takeoff And Flight Shots Yesterday morning we found a family of at least four Say’s Phoebes in the Wasatch Mountains. The adults were feeding their hungry fledglings. Continue reading
Montana Farm Potpourri Whenever I visit the northwest Montana farm where I grew up I feel like I’m returning home. It’s been 50 years since I actually lived there but I don’t think that feeling will ever leave me. Continue reading