Tag: sagebrush
Lark Sparrow Singing And Rousing
Western Meadowlark Perched And Taking Off
Female American Kestrel In A Setting I Love
The Burrowing Owl And The Meadowlark
Red-tailed Hawk Taking Off And Coming At Me (11 image series)
Long-billed Curlew On Sagebrush
Yet Another Reason Birds Need Appropriate Habitat
Sage Thrasher Rising Out Of Its Namesake Sagebrush
Sage Thrashers – A Hungry Chick And A Dutiful Parent
Anticipating Take-off Angles – Meadowlarks
My “First Of Year” Sage Thrasher
Meadowlark In Flight
Short-eared Owl Carrying A Vole In Its Beak (for a change)
Sagebrush Perches
For me there’s just something wonderful about sagebrush. In fact, lots of things. When sagebrush is wet its smell is almost intoxicating (at least it is for me). When walking through it that scent comes wafting up and my mind can’t help but wander through old memories and cowboy songs. I love the silvery-gray-green color it lends to a hillside. The presence of sagebrush is essential for many species for nesting, habitat, protection or food. Sage Sparrows, Sage Thrashers and Loggerhead Shrikes nest within the plant and larks, Burrowing Owls and Long-billed Curlews nest on the ground in stands of sagebrush. Sagebrush dominates the diet of the Sage Grouse during late fall, winter and early spring. It also makes for an interesting perch for bird photography even though its growth patterns often put obstructions in front of the bird. Since sage is the dominant plant of the Great Basin in many areas I have regular opportunities to photograph birds perched on it. The various species (Big Sage and Black Sage for example) provide variety in color and leaf shape and sometimes you catch the bird on bare twigs or branches or layers of snow/ice on top of the plant. 1/1000, f/8, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc I photographed this Lark Sparrow on sage yesterday – as you can see, the leaf colors are a soft silvery green in early spring. 1/2000, f/8, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc And this Loggerhead Shrike is from this morning, with the Great Salt Lake (not sky) in the background. I thought I’d…