Tag: sage thrasher
Sage Thrashers – Courtship Display And Prey For Their Youngsters
Sage Thrashers In A Springtime Frenzy
Sage Thrasher In A Dramatic Flight Turn
The Balancing Act of Shutter Speed, ISO and Wing Motion-blur
Sage Thrasher Bilateral Wing Display

Male Sage Thrashers perform what is called the “Bilateral Wing Display” during courtship and territory establishment. Yesterday morning I was able to photograph the behavior on Antelope Island and though I wish I’d been a little closer I had decent light, a pretty good view of the bird and he performed for me for several minutes so I shouldn’t complain.
Iridescent Magpie In Flight (and an “early bird” of another species)
Yearning For Sage Thrashers
Sage Thrasher Posing For Me
Birds, Bugs And Frustrations On Antelope Island
A Sage Thrasher, A Buffalo Chip And A Little Family History
My “First Of Year” Sage Thrasher
Some Recent Shots To Break A Bird Photographer’s Heart
Occasionally I just have to vent about some of my photography frustrations.
Every nature photographer has them. Landscape photogs spend countless hours waiting for just the right light and dramatic clouds which often never materialize, those specializing in wildlife (especially mammals) often cannot even find their subjects, macro nature photographers have to deal with slight breezes that can ruin their shots and those who focus on flowers have a limited season.
But bird photographers may have the most challenging subjects of all (perhaps my bias is creeping in here, but I doubt it).