Tag: ring necked pheasant
A Morning Of Birds, Critters And Landscapes In Box Elder County
A Mix Of Birds And A Critter From My Recent Trip To Bear River MBR
Young Male Ring-necked Pheasants
Baby Ring-necked Pheasants In Mid September
Fighting Male Ring-necked Pheasants
Male Ring-necked Pheasant Displaying In A Rustic Setting
Red-tailed Hawk Quest
Red-tailed Hawk With A “Double-decker” Upper Bill
The Cause Of The Deformed Beaks In Birds I’ve Photographed May Finally Be Known
Ring-necked Pheasant Coming Down Off A Fence
A Pheasant, A Bald Eagle And Nictitating Membranes
Birds In Snow
Ring-necked Pheasants – A Contrast In Seasons And In Demeanor
Northern Harrier “Playing”

Play has been well documented in some bird species and I believe I photographed that behavior in a Northern Harrier this week. This bird was too far away for quality images but I think the behavior is well documented in the photographs. I first spotted this hawk on an ugly metal fence post but as soon as I stopped my pickup to watch it through my lens the wary bird took off. Almost immediately it performed a spectacular and classic harrier mid-air maneuver by changing directions and pouncing on something in the grasses. I presumed it to be a vole. For about two minutes the bird continually struggled, wrestled and pounced on something I couldn’t see. The activity was quite frenetic and I took many photos of it. As I watched through my lens I wondered if the harrier was trying to avoid being bitten by a vole or even a larger rodent. Eventually the harrier took off with its “prey”, which turned out to be dried cow poop. Cow pies are common in this area because refuge managers run cattle there in the summer in an attempt to control invasive phragmites (personally I’m not a fan of cattle on public lands but that’s another story…). The harrier carried the cow pie only a few feet… before dropping it. Whether that was done deliberately or not I don’t know but I suspect that it was because in the image just before this one (just as the pie…