Red-tailed Hawk With A Food Delivery For Her Chicks I seldom get such a good look at raptor prey. Continue reading
Three Red-tailed Hawk Chicks Posing Perfectly In The Nest ‘Posing perfectly’ and raptor chicks almost never go together but this time was an exception. Continue reading
Adult Red-tailed Hawk Takeoff And Flight Yet another hawk looking pretty beat-up from molt, this one from two days ago. Continue reading
A Gorgeous Dark Morph Red-tailed Hawk Plus a word to the wise if you ever have to send your camera in for repair. Continue reading
Red-tailed Hawk Series – Takeoff And In Flight Junipers and their berries are always a welcome addition to the settings of my photos. Continue reading
Male Red-tailed Hawk Struggling To Gather Nesting Material Hard work and a stubborn streak eventually paid off when the male of the pair went looking for suitable nest-building materials. Continue reading
Mated Red-tailed Hawks And The Fleeting Nature Of The ‘Golden Hour’ Harsh midday light is not the photographer’s friend but the warm glow of the ‘golden hour’ is transitory and often elusive, especially if you aren’t a ‘morning person’. Continue reading
Bits And Pieces From A Recent Day In The Field Unfortunate timing with a Golden Eagle and a minor mystery with a mated pair of Red-tailed Hawks. Continue reading
Red-tailed Hawks Are In Nesting Mode, Big Time Red-tails are pairing up all over the place. Continue reading
Adult Red-tailed Hawk In Flight Over A Juniper Tree This photo from yesterday quickly became a favorite of mine as soon as I saw it on my big screen. Continue reading
Red-tailed Hawk – A Young Bird And Very Old Rocks One of the many reasons why Antelope Island is such a very special place. Continue reading