Red-tailed Hawk – A Sideways Takeoff Yes, another Red-tailed Hawk. But this takeoff and early flight are quite different from anything else I’ve posted recently. (9 photos) Continue reading
Red-tailed Hawk In Flight Once in a great while pretty much everything goes right for flight shots after a raptor takes off. This was one of those very rare times. (three photos) Continue reading
Contrasting Red-tailed Hawk Takeoff Scenarios With ‘the hand of man’ and without. (5 photos) Continue reading
Immature Red-tailed Hawk – Practice Landing #2 Only two photos this time but they’re my favorites from the series. Continue reading
Immature Red-tailed Hawk – Practice Landing #1 An 18-image takeoff, flight and landing series. Yes, I got carried away. Continue reading
A Preening, Posing And Very Curious Immature Red-tailed Hawk It’s the time of year for young red-tails acting goofy. (4 photos) Continue reading
Immature Red-tailed Hawk Practicing His Landings Yesterday was a very good day for several species of raptors. Continue reading
Red-tailed Hawk Takeoff And Flight With Very Warm Colors Everywhere One more example of the Canon R5’s autofocus capabilities. Continue reading
Male Red-tailed Hawk Leaving His Mate At The Nest A difficult setting for photography but I like how this one turned out. Continue reading
Red-tailed Hawk – Perched, Stretching And Soaring Overhead More evidence that immature buteos tend to be less wary than adults. Continue reading
Red-tailed Hawk In Flight Soon After Takeoff – Part II Making the best I can out of some bad luck. (3 photos) Continue reading
Red-tailed Hawk In Flight Soon After Takeoff One of the advantages of shooting in early morning light. Continue reading