Recently I semi-promised not to post any more Red-tailed Hawks for a while but when sex is involved promises are often broken. Today’s post is no exception.
This might be the most spectacular and unique raptor I’ve ever photographed or even seen. In fact there’s no “might be” about it – without qualification, it is. And I even got some pretty decent photos of it in flight.
Over the years I’ve documented a variety of birds with severely deformed beaks including the two examples below. Now we may know the cause of the condition.
I took exactly forty shots of this hawk during takeoff and in flight. Eleven of them made the cut to include here, for reasons both good and not so good.
Blog followers know I have a strong aversion for power poles and wires in my images. But thanks to input from readers I’ve had a change of heart when the poles are ancient and the insulators are the old-fashioned kind.