Male Common Grackle Displaying In Morning Light Not everyone’s favorite bird but I’m a fan. Continue reading
American Avocet – An American Beauty When In Breeding Plumage As simple as it is this photo from two days ago may become one of my favorite shots of an American Avocet for a variety of reasons. Continue reading
House Wren – A World And A Hemisphere Record Holder House Wrens have more significance and impact on the worldwide avian scene than most folks realize. Continue reading
Fox Sparrow – A Lifer For Me The last gift to me from my time at the “porcupine bush” was a species I’d never photographed or even seen before – a Fox Sparrow. And yes, that excites me. Continue reading
Great Horned Owl In Phragmites I realize that Great Horned Owls have the most extensive range of any American Owl but this one still surprised me a little. Continue reading
Lark Sparrow The bold harlequin face pattern and unique courtship behaviors of the Lark Sparrow make it among my favorite sparrows to observe and photograph. Continue reading