Avian Potpourri From My Recent Trip To Bear River MBR Twelve photos of nine species. Continue reading
A Truly Wild Chukar I have “better” photos of Chukars but this one from yesterday morning means more to me than most of them. Continue reading
Great Blue Heron In Flight Series This bird was sporting its own icy “charm” in flight. Continue reading
Great Blue Heron Banking In Flight And Low To The Ground My favorite shot from yesterday morning at Bear River MBR. Continue reading
Tundra Swan In Flight Against A Multilayered Background I like bird photography that includes significant hints at habitat. That goal is typically more difficult to achieve with flight shots than static shots but it can be done and this image is an example. Continue reading
Tundra Swan In Flight Against The Promontory Mountains For my tastes this setting couldn’t be much better for a Tundra Swan in flight. Continue reading
Western Grebe Feeding A Feather To A Fledgling Plus a rare landscape/waterscape image from me. Continue reading
A Rehabbed Burrowing Owl Release That Meant A Lot To Me It’s always heartwarming when an injured raptor can be released back into the wild but this one was special. Continue reading
A Golden Eagle, A Yellow-bellied Marmot And Mating Swainson’s Hawks A trip to the Promontory Peninsula two days ago yielded mixed results. Continue reading
Rough-legged Hawk On Lichen-covered Rocks I love the orange lichens that often grow on rocks and very old buildings. Throw in a beautiful raptor and I’m in heaven. Continue reading
Mating Swainson’s Hawks – When Attempted Sex Goes Wrong I always enjoy intimate looks at birds of prey but this one was over the top. Continue reading
Sub-adult Bald Eagle In The Promontory Mountains Differing crops of similar photos can have a major impact on the “feel” of the images. Continue reading
Rio Grande Wild Turkeys On The Promontory Peninsula Yesterday Wild Turkeys saved the day for me along Promontory Road. There sure wasn’t much else out and about to photograph. Continue reading