Black-billed Magpie Taking Off And In Flight My first decent magpie flight shots in quite a while. (4 photos) Continue reading
A Magpie Acting Strangely And Me Missing The Obvious Pretty soon I shouldn’t be missing stuff like that. (7 photos) Continue reading
Tales From The Field Sometimes the story of the photo is better than the photo itself. Continue reading
Mountain Magpie Takeoff And Flight Most magpies I photograph are on Antelope Island but on those unusual occasions when I photograph one in the Wasatch Mountains I call it a “mountain magpie”. (3 photos) Continue reading
What Happened To Antelope Island’s Magpies? Magpies on Antelope Island begin their nesting activities in February. Usually… Continue reading
Magpies Bickering Over A Dead Rabbit On A Bitterly Cold Morning There seems to be a bully in every crowd. (2 photos) Continue reading
Immature Black-billed Magpie Taking Off And some thoughts on roadkill, of all things. Continue reading
Black-billed Magpie – Interpreting Flight Postures And what about the head size and shape of this magpie – is it a little different? Continue reading
Magpie Carrying A Big Stick Probably not what TR had in mind but whatever works. (two images) Continue reading
Female Magpie Showing Her Mate Who’s Boss There’s a price to be paid if you shirk your familial duties during nesting season. (2 photos) Continue reading
Black-billed Magpie Portrait If I’ve ever been able to peer into the soul of a bird in one of my photos, this is that photo. Continue reading
Black-billed Magpie – An Unconventional Takeoff Having plenty of room in the frame comes in handy with bird takeoffs, especially when your subject has a ridiculously long tail. (3 photos) Continue reading
Feathered Photography Is Taking An Involuntary Break You might be able to guess why. Continue reading