Tag: northern mockingbird
Antelope Island Mockingbird
The Songs Of A Mockingbird
Northern Mockingbird Landing And A Surprise Gang Of Cuteness
Male Northern Mockingbird Flight Display – Another Performance
Northern Mockingbird Flight Display – An Entire Performance
Northern Mockingbird Flight Display
Three Bird Species On The Same Natural Perch At Different Times
Northern Mockingbirds Are Still Here In Northern Utah
A Northern Mockingbird And Wild Rose Hips
Yesterday I had one of those mornings that bird photographers usually only dream about.
Swainson’s Hawk Harassed By An Oriole And A Mockingbird
Northern Mockingbird Flight Display
Northern Mockingbird Displaying In Low Light

On a dark, cloudy morning on Antelope Island last month I had an opportunity with a displaying Northern Mockingbird. The shooting conditions were difficult but I decided to play at the edge of the limits of my gear and see what I could get. These shots are not sequential of the same take-off and landing but in the order I’ve presented them I think they illustrate the behavior reasonably well.
Mockingbird Flight Display (and a change in shooting technique)

This spring I’ve had several opportunities to photograph the courtship “flight display” of the male Northern Mockingbird. While singing continuously from his perch he jumps almost straight up about six feet as he flaps his wings a couple of times which displays those conspicuous white wing patches and then parachutes down with wings open to the same perch. This performance is repeated every 30-60 seconds or so for an extended period of time.