Nesting Great Horned Owl Only the second time I’ve photographed a nesting Great Horned Owl in a completely natural setting and it happened yesterday morning. (2 photos) Continue reading
Mated Red-tailed Hawks – Yesterday My Prediction Came True On both counts. (2 photos) Continue reading
Female Magpie Showing Her Mate Who’s Boss There’s a price to be paid if you shirk your familial duties during nesting season. (2 photos) Continue reading
Northern Mockingbird Flight Display – An Entire Performance Finally, a goal achieved but it took me almost ten years. (14 photos) Continue reading
Black-billed Magpie In Flight With Nesting Material A long overdue victory of sorts for this bird photographer. Continue reading
Black-billed Magpie In Flight Nesting season has begun for Black-billed Magpies. In fact it’s been going on for some time now. Continue reading
Black-billed Magpie In Flight It’s been a while since I’ve posted any magpie flight shots. Continue reading
House Wrens At And Near Their Nest Yesterday in the mountains was a House Wren kind of day. Continue reading
Violet-green Swallow – An Upside Down And Backward Takeoff My first decent photos of this species. I’m gobsmacked by their beauty. Continue reading
Red-tailed Hawks Are In Nesting Mode, Big Time Red-tails are pairing up all over the place. Continue reading
Red-naped Sapsuckers Performing Their Nesting Duties Hungry chicks in the nest cavity have to be fed and it’s a two parent job. Continue reading
Yellow Warbler And MacGillivray’s Warblers In The Mountains Yesterday Morning I was particularly excited about the MacGillivray’s Warblers, a bird Cornell’s Birds of the World calls “a highly sought after trophy species by birdwatchers.” Continue reading
Red-tailed Hawk Takeoff And Landing Series Yesterday morning I decided to renew my acquaintance with the pair of nesting Red-tailed Hawks I’ve been following for weeks now. Continue reading