Tag: mule deer
Mule Deer Curious About Me
A Sampling Of Birds In The Mountains Yesterday Morning
Delta-winged Red Tailed Hawk In Flight
Spiders, Deer And Phalaropes On Antelope Island
Mule Deer Jumping A Fence In A Creative And Very Dangerous Way
Five Coyotes Attempt To Take Down A Deer On Antelope Island
A Tale Of Two Mule Deer Bucks In Rut
Mule Deer Buck In Rut
Strange-looking Mule Deer Jumping A Fence
Chronicling A Recent Morning On Antelope Island
West Desert Mule Deer Behaviors
Last week we spent a few days camping and exploring Utah’s west desert. A herd of Mule Deer composed of over a dozen animals hung around the general vicinity of our campsite for most of the time we were there. They still had most of their winter coat so they were scruffy and sun-bleached but they displayed a couple of interesting behaviors that I was able to photograph.
A Spring Morning In The West Desert
We had a wonderful time out on the west desert again this morning. The light was great, the birds were singing and everything was clear, crisp and clean. This post is meant to give you a feel for what it was like.