Upside Down Mountain Chickadee Feeding On Juniper Scale Leaves Including the primary difference between Mountain Chickadees and Black-capped Chickadees. (2 photos) Continue reading
Mountain Chickadee Extracting A Seed From A Cone A quick, furtive process that’s difficult to photograph well. Continue reading
A Sampling Of Birds In The Mountains Yesterday Morning Including one with an atypical bill. Continue reading
Mountain Chickadee Working Over A Conifer Cone Including evidence of the bird’s labors. Continue reading
A Couple Of Chickadees Doing What Chickadees Do In this case it’s hanging upside down from Douglas Fir cones like wannabe Red-breasted Nuthatches. Continue reading
Mountain Chickadee Acrobatic Feeding Behavior Given their nearly identical, interesting and even amusing feeding technique Mountain chickadees almost seem like wannabe nuthatches. Continue reading
A Few Recent Birds This is one of my roughly semiannual attempts to give my readers a feel for some of the birds I’ve been photographing recently that didn’t make it to my blog. Continue reading
Mountain Chickadee – An Amazing Feat (pun intended) Of Flexibility You won’t know why it’s a pun until you’ve seen both photos. Continue reading
My Four (and a half) “Lifers” In Eight Days At this point in my photography “career” it’s unusual for me to get a new lifer but lately I’ve been on a roll. Continue reading