Three Ospreys And My First Of Year Swainson’s Hawks Yesterday was full of pleasant surprises. And one not so pleasant. (6 photos) Continue reading
Northern Shovelers Flying In Formation Speedy and erratic ducks in flight are a good test for a new camera. (3 images) Continue reading
Dark-eyed Junco – The Snowbird Another in my irregular series on the ‘common’ species. Continue reading
Ruby-crowned Kinglet In Fall Colors I rarely get such an intimate look at a kinglet. Continue reading
Rufous Hummingbirds Rufous Hummingbirds are known as “extremist” hummingbirds for a bunch of reasons. Continue reading
My First Rough-legged Hawk Of The Season Recently I’ve seen several “roughies” at a distance but they were only tiny specks in my viewfinder or flying away from me. Finally, yesterday morning this adult male took pity on me. Continue reading
Rough-legged Hawks In my view Rough-legged Hawks are spectacularly handsome raptors whether perched or in flight, even in poor light. Continue reading
Yesterday’s Turkey Vultures I don’t post photos of Turkey Vultures often but yesterday, International Vulture Awareness Day, was perfect timing to have an encounter with them. Continue reading
Northern Mockingbirds Are Still Here In Northern Utah I’m surprised they haven’t migrated south by now but I’ve seen several of them the last few days in the mountains and on the valley floors Continue reading