Playing Whack-a-mole With Four Young Marmot Pups The youngest and smallest Yellow-bellied Marmots I’ve seen out of their den. Continue reading
Yellow-bellied Marmot Pup Peeking Out From A Rocky Crevice Cryptic coloration isn’t just for the birds. Continue reading
Marmot Pups And Cuteness Not all of my subjects have feathers. I’ll photograph any critter, especially when they’re as cute and appealing as these guys. (4 photos) Continue reading
Marmots, Mistakes And Misgivings Three mistakes, miscalculations, screw-ups – whatever you wanna call’em – caused me to partially mangle this unique opportunity with a Yellow-bellied Marmot cub climbing a fence. Continue reading
Five Yellow-bellied Marmot Pups Investigating Their New Rocky World I had more fun with these pups than should have been legal. Continue reading