Tag: jumping
Red Fox “Smiling”, Hunting And Pouncing On Prey
Yellow Warbler Jumping To A New Perch In Pursuit Of Berries
A Red-naped Sapsucker Jumping Straight Up
Red-tailed Hawk Chick Making A Hazardous Return To Its Nest
An Acrobatic, Spring-loaded Virginia Warbler (+ a bonus image)
Ring-necked Pheasant Coming Down Off A Fence
Strange-looking Mule Deer Jumping A Fence
Montana Bull Elk Jumping A Fence At Dawn
West Desert Mule Deer Behaviors
Last week we spent a few days camping and exploring Utah’s west desert. A herd of Mule Deer composed of over a dozen animals hung around the general vicinity of our campsite for most of the time we were there. They still had most of their winter coat so they were scruffy and sun-bleached but they displayed a couple of interesting behaviors that I was able to photograph.