Tag: iso
The Most Popular Burrowing Owl On Antelope Island
Burrowing Owl On Rabbitbrush
Two Golden Eagles On Antelope Island
Western Meadowlark Acting Silly
Short-eared Owl In Flight (with prey in silhouette)
Green-winged Teal (and one reason I err on the side of high shutter speeds)

The Green-winged Teal is our smallest duck and to my eye the male is strikingly handsome and colorful, especially when you can catch the light just right on the iridescent greens of the crescent above and behind the eye. It’s amazing how that crescent turns black in an instant at differing light angles.
An Osprey Pirouette
Red-naped Sapsucker – Sometimes Inappropriate Camera Settings Can’t Be Helped
Northern Mockingbird Displaying In Low Light

On a dark, cloudy morning on Antelope Island last month I had an opportunity with a displaying Northern Mockingbird. The shooting conditions were difficult but I decided to play at the edge of the limits of my gear and see what I could get. These shots are not sequential of the same take-off and landing but in the order I’ve presented them I think they illustrate the behavior reasonably well.