Immature Red-tailed Hawk – Practice Landing #2 Only two photos this time but they’re my favorites from the series. Continue reading
A Preening, Posing And Very Curious Immature Red-tailed Hawk It’s the time of year for young red-tails acting goofy. (4 photos) Continue reading
Ferruginous Hawk Takeoff And Flight After Prey A twelve-image series, taken two days ago. Continue reading
Immature Red-tailed Hawk Practicing His Landings Yesterday was a very good day for several species of raptors. Continue reading
Yesterday Morning On Antelope Island – Trip Report Sage Thrashers, spiders and… giant drones? (2 photos) Continue reading
Immature Black-billed Magpie Taking Off And some thoughts on roadkill, of all things. Continue reading
Recently Fledged Western Kingbird Taking Off And In Flight Yesterday morning I finally got out again and actually found some birds, including a fun encounter with a family of Western Kingbirds. (4 photos) Continue reading
Red-tailed Hawk In Flight Soon After Takeoff – Part II Making the best I can out of some bad luck. (3 photos) Continue reading
Red-tailed Hawk In Flight Soon After Takeoff One of the advantages of shooting in early morning light. Continue reading
Immature Golden Eagle On Lichen-encrusted Rocks Three days ago I got lucky with an unusually patient immature Golden Eagle in a remote area of northern Utah. (4 photos) Continue reading
Two Bald Eagles And A Pesky, Persistent Intruder Lots of action involving three raptors of two different species and there I sat with a new camera whose buttons and dials were unfamiliar to me. Talk about pressure to learn a new camera! (8 photos) Continue reading
Golden Eagle – An Impressive Display Of Power In Flight I didn’t think such a huge bird could do something like this. But it did. Continue reading
Rough-legged Hawk Perched On A Tumbleweed For this Montana farm boy tumbleweeds symbolize the Old West. As a kid I probably watched too many Western movies. Continue reading