White-crowned Sparrows In Some Pretty Intense Fall Colors Eight days ago in a remote area of northern Utah I found one of the largest flocks of migrating songbirds I’ve ever seen. (8 photos) Continue reading
A Couple Of Immature Black-crowned Night Herons In Flight Yesterday was a night heron kind of day. (2 photos) Continue reading
Near-adult Bald Eagle Flight Series Six days ago I found two Bald Eagles feeding on presumed carrion fairly close to the road. (7 images) Continue reading
Bloody-beaked Bald Eagle Skimming Low Over The Sagebrush Plus a highly unusual perspective on my shooting location. (2 photos) Continue reading
Rousing As A Predictive Behavior Of Imminent Takeoff And does the rule of thirds really matter? (9 photos) Continue reading
Hooded Merganser With A Christmas Eve Fish “Tenderizing’ a weather loach. (2 photos) Continue reading
A Possible Solution To My Problem With Soft Photos On Cold Mornings I didn’t find many birds yesterday but I may have found a solution to one of my most vexing problems with bird photography. (2 photos) Continue reading
Red-tailed Hawk – The Rest Of The Takeoff And Flight Series Two days ago I posted one of these seven photos to my blog and said you’d be seeing more of this hawk soon. Today I keep my promise. Continue reading
Red-tailed Hawk – A Sideways Takeoff Yes, another Red-tailed Hawk. But this takeoff and early flight are quite different from anything else I’ve posted recently. (9 photos) Continue reading
Red-tailed Hawk In Flight Once in a great while pretty much everything goes right for flight shots after a raptor takes off. This was one of those very rare times. (three photos) Continue reading
Contrasting Red-tailed Hawk Takeoff Scenarios With ‘the hand of man’ and without. (5 photos) Continue reading
Juvenile Western Tanager Checking Me Out I don’t see Western Tanagers all that often and it’s even more unusual for me to be close to one of these usually spooky birds. (2 photos) Continue reading
Juvenile Gray Catbird With Insect Prey Unidentified insect prey. I’d like to change that. (2 photos) Continue reading
Ferruginous Hawk Returning From A Hunting Foray First impressions can be deceiving. (2 photos) Continue reading