My Four (and a half) “Lifers” In Eight Days At this point in my photography “career” it’s unusual for me to get a new lifer but lately I’ve been on a roll. Continue reading
A Wren On A Mission Last week on our Montana camping trip the House Wrens were incredibly persistent when trying to get long or awkwardly-shaped twigs into the nest holes in the aspen. Continue reading
Williamson’s Sapsuckers And The Glory Hole Aspen During our Montana camping trip last week we found a dead aspen that had five nest holes in various stages of excavation and use. Continue reading
Male Western Tanager Without a doubt the most colorful bird I photographed on my camping trip last week was the male Western Tanager. Continue reading
Sage Grouse At Eye Level Last week we found ourselves at eye level with a small group of very wary Greater Sage Grouse. Continue reading