Tag: hunting
Using My Birding History As A Predictor Of Success Or Failure In The Field
Banking Northern Harrier
Prairie Falcon With Prey
Sharp-shinned Hawk On A Rock At Sunrise
This Short-eared Owl Very Nearly Flew In My Pickup Window Yesterday Morning
Light Morph Swainson’s Hawk – An Athletic Takeoff
Prairie Falcon Hunting Grasshoppers In A Storm
Mountain Plovers In Utah
Barn Owl Hunting In The Clearing Fog
Two Coyotes Hunting And The Demise Of A Vole
Red-tailed Hawk Just Prior To Reaching Prey

This first photo isn’t a classic buteo flight shot but I believe it’s fairly unique for a non-baited image. I’ve occasionally been able to capture raptors as they’re about to land on a predictable perch but this is the first and only time I’ve been able to get a shot I like pretty well of a raptor as it’s about to (or attempt to) “land” on prey it’s seen from a far-away perch.
Golden Eagle – Out, Damn’d Wires, Out!

I have a small list of personal nemesis species but if forced to choose the top contender it would have to be the shy and elusive Golden Eagle. I’d estimate that I get a reasonable chance with one of these birds about two times per year and every time something goes wrong that prevents me from getting the photos I covet so much. Two mornings ago it was those ever-pesky power lines.