Adult Male Northern Harrier Hunting And Diving On Prey Another morning of ‘creative driving’ to get the shots. (3 photos) Continue reading
Mated Loggerhead Shrikes Courtship Feeding And Acting Goofy Six days ago I managed to document some interesting and fun behaviors of a mated pair of Loggerhead Shrikes. (10 photos) Continue reading
A Coyote Exhibiting Self Awareness? I believe so but I’m not completely convinced. (9 photos) Continue reading
Northern Harrier Coming At Me From the sublime to the profane in not much more than the blink of an eye. (3 photos) Continue reading
Ferruginous Hawk Takeoff And Flight After Prey A twelve-image series, taken two days ago. Continue reading
Bald Eagle In Flight With Two Green-winged Teals In Its Crosshairs Bald Eagle + thousands of ducks = instant pandemonium. Continue reading
Same Kestrel, Same Perch, Different Day, Different Behavior This handsome male is a confirmed creature of habit, just like me. Continue reading
Loggerhead Shrike Attempt On Prey Sometimes the steps involved in a failed attempt on prey are as much fun to watch as success. Continue reading
Burrowing Owl On Three Different Perches And Then Taking Off For reasons that should be obvious I call this guy Bloody Bill. When you think about it the name works two ways. Continue reading
Cooper’s Hawk Takeoff And Flight Series Before yesterday I’d only photographed a Cooper’s Hawk in flight a single time. Continue reading
Red-tailed Hawk – A Young Bird And Very Old Rocks One of the many reasons why Antelope Island is such a very special place. Continue reading
Injured Red-tailed Hawk Coming In For A Landing On those occasions when I see injured birds surviving and even thriving it makes my day. Continue reading
Barn Owl In Flight Against A Snowy Mountain Background Midwinter is Barn Owl “season” in northern Utah but it can also be an extremely grim time of year for them. Continue reading