Yellow-rumped Warbler Preening And Acting A Little Nuts After His Bath There must have been something in the water. (12 photos) Continue reading
Two Moderate Successes On A Slow Day For Birds A Snowy Egret with a fish and a grooming Yellow-rumped Warbler. (2 photos) Continue reading
Rufous Red-tailed Hawk Showing Off His Red Tail Yesterday morning I found the rufous male red-tail and his mate again. Continue reading
Chip and Dale – The Antics Of Two Least Chipmunks You remember Chip and Dale don’t you? Continue reading
Sopping Wet And Preening Yellow Warbler Incredibly quick preening motions frozen in time by very fast shutter speeds. Continue reading
American Pipit – After The Bath I try to avoid assigning emotions to birds (not always successfully) but I swear this was one joyful little pipit. Continue reading
Preening Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk A handsome raptor in an attractive natural setting performing an interesting behavior. Continue reading
Preening Rough-legged Hawk I can often thank the uropygial gland of birds for providing me with some interesting poses. Continue reading
The Downy Woodpecker And The Feather Plus a surprise critter a few minutes earlier yesterday morning. Continue reading
Dripping-wet Uinta Ground Squirrel Eating And Then Drying Himself Off Yesterday morning I wanted a change in venue so I headed for the Wasatch Mountains east of Salt Lake City. This cute little Uinta Ground Squirrel entertained me for about 15 minutes with its behaviors and antics. Continue reading
Preening Rough-legged Hawk – The Rest Of The Story There’s more to preening and grooming than just repairing damaged feathers. Continue reading