Gulls ‘Bucket-mouthing’ Brine Flies An amusing and highly effective feeding technique. (7 photos) Continue reading
A Pelican Hiding In Plain Sight Plus some very good news about Utah’s nesting pelicans. (2 photos) Continue reading
Avian Potpourri From Antelope Island Three Days Ago Eight photos of five species plus a short video clip. Continue reading
The Bizarre Biology Of The Eared Grebe The little Eared Grebe is one of the most biologically interesting bird species I’m aware of. (3 photos) Continue reading
Some Recent Urban Pond Birds In the last three days I’ve visited three urban ponds in the Salt Lake Valley while looking for birds. (6 photos of 6 species) Continue reading
A Coyote Exhibiting Self Awareness? I believe so but I’m not completely convinced. (9 photos) Continue reading
Long-billed Curlew In Flight Against A Banded Background Having second thoughts. (2 photos) Continue reading
Long-billed Curlew In Flight – Reaching For Air A combination of flight posture and background that I really like. Continue reading
Bald Eagle Hunting Ducks When they’re not scavenging for food Bald Eagles can be fierce and opportunistic predators. But they’re big and relatively slow so catching live prey isn’t easy for them. Continue reading
Northern Shovelers Flying In Formation Speedy and erratic ducks in flight are a good test for a new camera. (3 images) Continue reading