Nesting Great Horned Owl – There Are Chicks! With a little home decorating thrown in for good measure. (4 photos) Continue reading
Nesting Great Horned Owl Only the second time I’ve photographed a nesting Great Horned Owl in a completely natural setting and it happened yesterday morning. (2 photos) Continue reading
Cousin Jim Dudley And The Saga Of The Cat Impersonaters On The Montana Family Farm A change of pace for Feathered Photography today. (6 photos and one video clip) Continue reading
Great Horned Owl – Two Contrasting Types Of Settings Natural setting versus farm setting. (two photos) Continue reading
A Lesson In Behavior From A Great Horned Owl Because birds are so fast, familiarity with their behaviors is a valuable tool for anticipating interesting photographable moments. Continue reading
Great Horned Owls And Bittersweet Memories I have a huge soft spot for owls and old wood but these photos carry some bittersweet baggage. Continue reading
Great Horned Owls And Montana Farm Memories Partly for sentimental reasons I’ve wanted to post this first photo to my blog for a long time. Continue reading
One Of The First Great Horned Owls I Photographed With ‘Ken’s Lens’ Yesterday’s post has me wandering down memory lane again. Continue reading
Some Of My Favorite Photos From The Distant Past – Volume 3 Ringing in the new year with older images. Each of the following six photos was published in the two month period between December 1, 2010 and January 31, 2011. Continue reading
Great Horned Owl In The Marsh I rarely see Great Horned Owls in wetland habitats so finding this bird was a real treat. Continue reading
Great Horned Owls And A Tradition Of Old Granaries On The Farm Dudleys have been building granaries on the Montana farm for at least 90 years. Without the oldest ones owls wouldn’t exist on the farm. Continue reading
Tweaks And Adjustments To My New Blog Theme… and saying goodbye to a feature many of us will miss. Continue reading