A Meadowlark Morning

Yesterday morning there was meadowlark magic on the island. They were almost everywhere, singing lustily from atop their sagebrush and rabbitbrush perches (and more than a few ugly signposts). Several times I just stopped the truck, turned the engine off and got outside to listen. You could hear dozens of them simultaneously – some very close, some far away and others everywhere in between. Their melodious calls literally bounced off the hilltops.

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West Desert Red-tailed Hawk

I spotted this adult Red-tailed Hawk perched on the side of a hill and hoped to get some take-off shots as it lifted off and then perhaps some full flight images. I always try to anticipate direction of take-off in this type of situation and I was pretty sure it would lift off to my left in the direction it’s facing. But I was wrong…

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A Chukar Sentry Abandons Its Post

I’ve never been able to get a Chukar in flight or taking off, largely because they’re so hesitant to fly.  Even when they’re perched on an elevated rock they usually just hop to the ground when they’re ready to leave.  And when they do fly, typical of most upland game birds, they fly very fast, low to the ground and away from you which makes for an almost impossible target. But I got one yesterday morning, taking off.    1/5000, f/5.6, ISO 500, 100-400 @260mm, natural light This bird was acting as a sentry (also called a sentinel) for a small group of other Chukars nearby.  It’s observation perch of choice was a sign post that was high enough that it had to actually fly when it decided to leave.  I was too close to this bird for my 500mm lens so I quickly grabbed my 100-400 zoom lens and when it looked like it might be thinking of taking off I zoomed back far enough to give the Chukar enough room to fly into. I had plenty of light for a shutter speed fast enough to freeze the wings of even this buzz-saw flier (those relatively short wings on such a chunky bird really have to churn to get it airborne) and was lucky enough to catch the wings in a position I like.  A more appealing perch would have been nice but I’m pleased with the way most everything else turned out. Ron

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The Alula (bastard wing) Of A Kestrel In Flight

Many extinct and ancient relatives of modern birds had alulae, as do flies (insects of order diptera). I find it fascinating that evolutionary selection pressure has produced this structure in such diverse and relatively unrelated groups as birds and some flying insects. And that man has (once again) copied nature to solve a modern problem.

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Short-eared Owl With Prey, Coming At Me

I’m always happy when I can get decent images of an owl in flight.  If they’re carrying prey it’s a bonus.  And if the bird is flying toward me I often consider it icing on the cake – partly because those kinds of shots are so very often baited, decoyed, set up or called in.  As always for me, these were not. I’ve posted one of these shots before but I hoped it might be interesting for some to see a sequence of images as this adult male Short-eared Owl flew toward me with a vole for its mate before veering off to my right.    1/1000, f/5.6, ISO 800, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc, natural light, not baited, set up or called in This first image shows less detail and image quality because the owl was further away as it began to approach me but I decided to include it for context in the sequence.  The lower background is sagebrush flats while the upper blues are Montana’s Centennial Mountains in shade.       1/1250, f/5.6, ISO 800, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc, natural light, not baited, set up or called in Four frames later the owl was significantly closer and flew almost directly at me before veering off – a pattern it followed more than once.  I’d guess that it was his way of checking me out for any potential threat before delivering the vole.       1/1000, f/5.6, ISO 800, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc, natural light, not baited, set up or called in  Which he’s doing intently here.  Eye contact can’t be much…

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Male Northern Harrier – The Gray Ghost

One of my favorite subjects is the male Northern Harrier. Because juveniles of both sexes are similar to the adult female, to the untrained eye most harriers look like females which is one of the reasons that many folks believe that they rarely see males – thus the name “Gray Ghost” for the ”elusive” adult male.

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Rough-legged Hawk With A Peculiar Hunting Technique

I’ve spent many hours watching Rough-legged Hawks hunt.  Nearly always they hunt from the air or from elevated perches but several years ago this bird showed me a technique I had never seen before and haven’t since. All of these images are presented in the order they were taken. Techs for these shots were: 1/2000 – 1/3200, f/8. ISO 400, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc, natural light, not baited, set up or called in   I found the hawk on the ground and as I approached it in my pickup it didn’t fly off as I expected it would.  Here it’s looking at me but most of the time it was scanning the grasses in the vicinity – obviously hunting for voles from the ground.     It would lift off but only fly a few feet before it landed again.     In this first lift-off it had vegetation in its talons.  I’ve seen them do this before – it’s almost like they’re reluctant to let go of the plant material after they’ve missed the prey.     The hawk landed again…     And intensely scanned the surrounding area for prey.     Then another take-off…     and it flew within inches of the ground…     before it pounced on a vole and swallowed it.     Then it continued to hunt in the same manner.       Another take-off…     and another.  There’s blood on the right foot from the last vole.     The hawk repeatedly did the same thing – take…

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Anticipating An American Avocet Behavior

Anticipating behaviors is often crucial for nature photographers and that’s particularly true when your subject is a lightning-fast bird.  Most of us don’t need any more images where the wings have been cut off in the frame or the bird is soft due to lack of shutter speed or poor focus tracking of the bird at take-off. The American Avocet in breeding plumage is an especially lovely subject with its long recurved bill, bluish legs, cinnamon head and neck and the black and white chevron pattern on its back.  But you don’t see many quality flight or take-off images of the species, partially because their flight tendencies are fast and erratic.     Like many birds, avocets routinely perform single wing and leg stretches.  These stretches occur when the bird is at rest and at ease.  They stretch like this in the water…     and on land.  But this single-wing/leg stretch is not an indicator of nervousness or a precursor of take-off.   Neither of the birds in these two images did so immediately after the stretch.      1/1000, f/8, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc, natural light, a sliver of canvas added for composition  But when you see this two-winged wing stretch, expect imminent take-off.   A few seconds later this bird did just that but it took off away from me and I deleted the images.     Another two-wing stretch.  And almost immediately after the wings came down…     the bird took off.  It’s not a good shot because of the angle of take-off but it illustrates my point. Here’s what Birds…

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Magpie Nesting Season Has Begun

I’ve spent the last two mornings photographing Black-billed Magpies in the midst of nest construction.  These birds often re-use old nests and this is at least the third year they have used the same one.  Even when “recycling” the nest like this, weeks of work go in to refurbishing it – they bring in a completely new lining of grass, mud, rootlets and even bison fur.  And they add an amazing number of new twigs to the basic structure.  These are industrious birds! I’ve said before that this species is my most challenging avian photographic subject and that fact has been reinforced this week.  There are several reasons for that, including: the deep black and bright white combination is hugely difficult to expose properly that aggravatingly long tail makes composition difficult and it is very easy to clip or cut off in action shots they close their nictitating membrane more than any other bird I’ve photographed and when they do its color is a blue-white which is almost shockingly apparent against the black head when they take off from an elevated perch they typically flap once and then fold their wings tightly against the body at exactly the moment when it’s easiest to get them in flight, resulting in what I call a “torpedo-bird” flight posture that is less than desirable the dark eye set against a black head makes it very difficult to get a good catch light in the eye In the last two days I’ve taken over 1200 shots of these magpies and about 95% of them were garbage, largely due…

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Cliff Swallows In Flight

Cliff Swallows are one of North America’s most social land birds.  Their nesting colonies sometimes consist of up to 7,000 individuals.  Originally they were birds of the western mountains where they nested under horizontal rock ledges in canyons and foothills but in the last 150 years their range has expanded to include most of the continent due to the construction of buildings, bridges and highway culverts that provide alternative nesting sites. But holy moly, are they ever difficult to photograph in flight! I suspect that most serious bird photographers have attempted swallow (any species) flight shots and I’m no exception.  But their small size combined with their swift, erratic flight has always stymied me.  Until last May I didn’t have a single legitimate “keeper” of any swallow species in flight but that spring I was finally able to get some shots I like but it took some significant alteration of my past strategies.    1/3200, f/7.1, ISO 800, 500 f/4, natural light One of my problems in the past was that the bird was nearly always shaded underneath.  So finally it struck me (duh!) that I needed to be shooting them when the sun was very low – for me that meant early in the morning.       1/2500, f/6.3, ISO 800, 500 f/4, natural light But shooting flight shots just as the sun comes up provides another problem – sufficient shutter speed.  At that time of day the light intensity is relatively low so I needed to be shooting at the effective noise limit of my Canon 7D – ISO 800….

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Red-tailed Hawk – Intensity At Take-off

Raptors at take-off typically have a “focused” look about them – they’re all business.  But I thought the intensity of purpose of this Red-tailed Hawk was particularly evident.    1/3200, f/7.1, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc, natural light, not baited, set up or called in Red-tails are “perch-and-wait” hunters so when they take off after prey they already have their eye on it and their focus is seldom diverted as they swoop in for the kill.   This juvenile was hunting voles from an elevated rock perch on Antelope Island several months ago. I’ve had few opportunities with red-tails since all the snow piled up around here.  Hopefully that will soon change… Ron

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Short-eared Owl Taking Off In Low Light

This male Short-eared Owl was taking off from the sagebrush plains of Montana’s Centennial Valley.    1/1600. f/5.6. ISO 800, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc, natural light, not baited, set up or called in  I got three shots in the sequence that I liked well enough to keep.  At lift-off he was heading mostly in my direction.  I was shooting from my pickup and the vehicle didn’t intimidate him in the least.      1/2000. f/5.6. ISO 800, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc, natural light, not baited, set up or called in  Almost immediately he began to veer off to my left…      1/1600. f/5.6. ISO 800, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc, natural light, not baited, set up or called in and then gave me a side view as he flew off to hunt voles for his family (female and two chicks). I’ve never posted this sequence before because the very low light forced me to shoot at ISO 800 which is really pushing it for my Canon 7D so there’s some resulting noise in the images.  I don’t like to use noise reduction but I’ve applied it to the backgrounds only for this presentation. Like I said in my last post, every image has strengths and weaknesses and the low light I was dealing with (especially for flight shots) forced me into some compromises for these images.  They may not be perfect but I’m still happy to have them. Ron

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Nothing Wrong With A Butt Shot Now And Again…

This isn’t the sharpest image in my portfolio but it does intrigue me.  A lot. Six days ago this Barn Owl made an unsuccessful plunge into the deep snow for a vole and soon after took off almost directly away from me.  This is one of the images I got as it lifted off in the direction of its favorite hill-top perch – a “butt shot” to be sure but I’m fascinated by the wing angle and position.    1/3200, f/7.1, ISO 500, 500 f/4, 1.4 tc, natural light, not baited, set up or called in This shot caught the wings toward the end of the upstroke.  The primary feathers at the end of the wings are in what appears to be an almost perfectly vertical position to allow for very little air resistance as they move to a higher position in preparation for the powered downstroke but the secondary feathers are pointed almost directly back at me. The skeletal structure of a bird’s wing is homologous (similar in position, structure, and evolutionary origin but not necessarily in function) to the forelimb of most other vertebrates (including humans) with a humerus, then radius and ulna, then metacarpals and finally phalanges at the end.  Like humans, the joint between the radius/ulna and the metacarpals is the carpal or “wrist” joint (see here if you’re curious and/or confused by the anatomy).   So the “wrist” is the joint between the primary and secondary wing feathers. Our wrist or carpal joint can be “bent” up or down and left or right but it cannot be rotated (try holding your…

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Barn Owl Hunting Over A Hoarfrosted Hill

The Barn Owls are still hunting sporadically during daylight in northern Utah.  I’ve seen them doing so in a variety of areas and heard reports of it happening elsewhere. Some areas near the Great Salt Lake are literally “magical wonderlands” in the early mornings due to the thick layer of hoarfrost that covers nearly everything.  The frost falls off the vegetation during the day, then reforms during the night.  The hoarfrost produces a setting for my images that appeals to me. The camera settings for the images in this post were: 1/3200, f/7.1, ISO 500, 500 f/4.  The owl was not baited, set up or called in.    Yesterday morning this owl was hunting along the upper edge of a steep-sided hill as it came in my general direction and then rounded the hill to my right.  In the first four shots you can see that its attention is riveted to the side of the hill where the snow cover is much less deep than it is everywhere else, which would increase the chances of spotting a vole. I chose to compose these images a little differently so that the frost-covered hunting ground becomes almost as important to the image as the bird.  If you have any thoughts on this composition I’d be interested in hearing them.     As the bird rounded the hilltop and got closer to me the frosted vegetation became more dominant in the images.     You can see that the snow on the hillside is patchy (most of the white is frost) so I believe that…

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