Swainson’s Hawk Takeoff Series Finally, a bird in good light after several days of fog, overcast skies and wind. (5 photos) Continue reading
Forster’s Tern In An Asymmetrical Hovering Posture One of the very few times I wasn’t shooting from inside my pickup while using a pool noodle as a lens rest. Continue reading
Female Mountain Bluebird Showing Her Mate Who’s Boss Including some behavior I don’t understand. Continue reading
Peekaboo Swainson’s Hawk In Flight Yesterday was one of the best single days for both weather and bird photography I’ve ever had in the Centennial Valley. Continue reading
Female American Avocet In Flight So, how do I know this avocet is a female? (2 photos) Continue reading
Forster’s Tern – A Dive And Then Something Special One of these shots immediately became one of my favorite bird photos and we can’t even see the bird’s head. (4 photos) Continue reading
Forster’s Tern Aerial Gymnastics A couple of flight postures I doubt I’ll ever see again. Almost certainly I’ll never photograph them again. (2 photos) Continue reading
Northern Mockingbird Landing And A Surprise Gang Of Cuteness In my book, landing shots are at a premium because I like the postures they typically involve and because they’re so very hard to get (the old ‘degree of difficulty’ factor). (4 photos) Continue reading
Black-crowned Night Heron Takeoff And Flight Series A busy and rather unattractive background but I like the bird in spite of it. (13 photos) Continue reading
Great Blue Heron Flying Low Toward A Creek – A Long Series A marathon of Great Blue Heron flight shots. 19 of them. Continue reading
Three Ospreys And My First Of Year Swainson’s Hawks Yesterday was full of pleasant surprises. And one not so pleasant. (6 photos) Continue reading
One More Photo Of The Cinnamon Teal Drake In Flight I found another photo of him I like. A lot. Continue reading