A Male Northern Harrier In Flight As The Canon R5 Shines Again As an old guy I like old things and the aging R5 still impresses me. (4 photos) Continue reading
Male American Kestrel – A Special Photo Of A Very Special Bird I have a history with this bird. Continue reading
Mallard Drake In Flight I usually ignore Mallards on the water but it’s another story when they’re in flight. Drakes especially. (2 photos) Continue reading
Canada Geese In Flight – A Series In some circles Canada Geese don’t get a lot of respect but our avian landscapes would be pretty barren without them. (5 photos) Continue reading
Belted Kingfisher Diving Sequence This female kingfisher has been trying my patience. (5 photos) Continue reading
Golden Eagle Taking Off A week ago today was a special day because I had two different encounters with two different Golden Eagles. Continue reading
Red-tailed Hawk Trying To Fake Me Out Despite the hawk’s efforts, this time I prevailed. (6 photos) Continue reading
Black-billed Magpie Taking Off And In Flight My first decent magpie flight shots in quite a while. (4 photos) Continue reading
A Very Close Encounter Between A Northern Harrier And A Cooper’s Hawk Two days ago, as I was cresting the hill on top of Goose Egg Island at Farmington Bay WMA, the excitement was already in progress. (2 photos) Continue reading
A Magpie Acting Strangely And Me Missing The Obvious Pretty soon I shouldn’t be missing stuff like that. (7 photos) Continue reading
Playing Peekaboo With A Red-tailed Hawk In The Rocks I almost gave up on this bird. I’m glad I didn’t. (4 photos) Continue reading