Hooded Mergansers With Fish On this day, female Hoodies were far better fisherbirds than males. (8 photos) Continue reading
Hooded Merganser Shenanigans Nine days ago I had my best day so far this winter with Hooded Mergansers. (13 photos) Continue reading
Great Egret – A Strike And A Miss This is the Great Egret that’s been hanging around the Bear River east of Bear River MBR for some time now. (2 photos) Continue reading
Forster’s Tern In An Asymmetrical Hovering Posture One of the very few times I wasn’t shooting from inside my pickup while using a pool noodle as a lens rest. Continue reading
Forster’s Tern – A Dive And Then Something Special One of these shots immediately became one of my favorite bird photos and we can’t even see the bird’s head. (4 photos) Continue reading
Forster’s Tern Aerial Gymnastics A couple of flight postures I doubt I’ll ever see again. Almost certainly I’ll never photograph them again. (2 photos) Continue reading
A Strange And Completely Unexpected Kingfisher Behavior Over the years I’ve spent countless hours watching kingfishers through my lens but until a few days ago I’d never seen this. Continue reading
Male Belted Kingfisher Diving On A Fish And Then Eating His Catch And believe it or not, this time he brought the fish close to me before gobbling it down instead of carrying it far away like he’s done repeatedly in the past. Continue reading
Male Belted Kingfisher Actively Fishing A classic kingfisher fishing posture on a typical fishing perch. Continue reading
Belted Kingfisher In A Variety Of Interesting Poses This male, photographed near a mountain stream three days ago, might have been my most prolific posing kingfisher ever. Continue reading
Belted Kingfisher – A Diving Takeoff Diving kingfisher shots have always been high on my ‘holy grail’ short list. Continue reading
Forster’s Tern Flying Low Over A Pond I don’t post photos of terns very often so I figured it’s high time I did. Continue reading