Tag: feeding
Male Cassin’s Finch Enjoying A Dandelion Smorgasbord
Meadowlark – Singing, Foraging and “Gaping”
Mountain Plovers In Utah
A Gluttonous Red-tailed Hawk
White-crowned Sparrow Attempting To Feed In The Wind
Merlin With Prey In Approaching Fog
White-lined Sphinx Moth (Hummingbird Moth)
Eastern Kingbird Adult And Fledgling – A Question Of Behavior
Savannah Sparrow Feeding Fledgling
Red-tailed Hawk Chicks (and my emotional attachment to them)
Western Kingbird Feeding Behavior
Several Sparrow Species In Frost And Snow

In my area most sparrow species aren’t easy to approach or catch out in the open for most of the year but when it’s very cold and they decide it’s time to begin their communal morning feeding routine they become much braver souls. Earlier this week I photographed three species of sparrows as they harvested seeds from their frost-covered parent plants.
Pied-billed Grebe Feeding Behavior And An Invasive Species
Fledgling Yellow-headed Blackbird Begging For Food

Young Yellow-headed Blackbirds leave the nest long before they can fly, at the very early age of 9 – 12 days. From then until they can fly they spend their time hiding in the dead vegetation near the surface of the water and begging incessantly for food.
This youngster had the begging routine down to a science.