American Goldfinch on Musk Thistle And an interesting goldfinch strategy for combating brood parasitism of the Brown-headed Cowbird. Continue reading
Black-chinned Hummingbird Feeding On Bee Plant A different species this time, Black-chinned instead of the Broad-tailed Hummingbirds I’ve been posting lately. Continue reading
Newly Fledged Yellow Warbler They don’t come much cuter than a freshly-fledged and hungry baby warbler. Continue reading
Juvenile Black-capped Chickadees In A Feeding Frenzy On Mullein In the western US common mullein is often referred to as “cowboy toilet paper” but chickadees use it for food. These two youngsters may have been siblings but that doesn’t mean they had to be friendly over their breakfast. Continue reading
Yellow Warblers – Adults And Fledglings From Yesterday Morning Including a very young fledgling being fed. Continue reading
A Peregrine Falcon And A Frozen Coot Yesterday morning went from bust to boom at the very last minute possible and it was a Peregrine Falcon that saved my bacon. Continue reading
Red-winged Blackbird Trying To Get At Those Pesky Sunflower Seeds The seeds were still on the wild plants and they weren’t easy to reach which resulted in some fun photos. Continue reading
An Unexpected Topside View Of A White-crowned Sparrow At Takeoff I love this takeoff pose from an adult White-crowned Sparrow. Continue reading
Western Kingbird Delivering A Cricket To A Hungry Mouth It isn’t easy to get two birds sharp at these focal lengths and when one of them is in flight the degree of difficulty increases exponentially. Continue reading
An Indicator Of Red-naped Sapsucker Chick Maturation Rates I was surprised by how quickly this sapsucker chick’s behavior changed. Continue reading
Male Mountain Bluebird Feeding A Hungry Fledgling In the bird world fledglings of most species always seem to be starving, frantic, vocal and impatient. This young bluebird was no exception. Continue reading
Yellow-rumped Warbler Snagging A Snack (+ one for eye candy) The only thing that keeps me going while I’m culling images is the occasional serendipitous surprise. Continue reading
A Turkey Vulture Kind Of Morning The Genus name Cathartes means “purifier” and on this morning the Turkey Vultures were working hard at deserving the moniker. Continue reading