Tag: farmington bay
Setups in Bird Photography
Barn Owl Hunting Rodents
A Couple Of Recent Juncos
Another Grebe Biting Off More Than It Can Chew
Red-winged Blackbird (with a look at exposure and depth of field)
Close Encounter With A Long-tailed Weasel

I had a brief but interesting encounter with a Long-tailed Weasel yesterday morning at Farmington Bay. The little mustelid ran across the road in front of my pickup and buried itself in the brush and rocks but on the long shot that it would reappear I stopped anyway. And reappear it did, right under my nose.
Grebes Eating Feathers (including two graphic images)
Forster’s Tern In Flight

The Forster’s Tern is the only tern that is almost entirely restricted to North America year around. They’re sometimes called “marsh terns” because they breed primarily in fresh, brackish and saltwater marshes, including here in northern Utah. Prior to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act Forster’s Terns were hunted for the millenary trade and because of their habit of hovering over other individuals that had been killed they were particularly vulnerable to being shot.
Red-tailed Hawk – The Power And Grace Of Take-off
Great Egret Trying To Survive A Harsh Winter
Fledgling Yellow-headed Blackbird, Begging For And Then Receiving Food

I’ve been stuck in the house for what seems like an eternity because of the gloomy weather and lack of light. It rained all day yesterday (which is unusual for us here in the semi-desert) and I keep thinking of all the early summer bird activity I’m missing so this morning I reached back into the archives for some shots that would remind me of what I’m not seeing and photographing. I’m a glutton for punishment…