The grand opening of the new Eccles Wildlife Education Center was yesterday morning and I was invited. I went early (very early) so I could take some photos before dignitaries and crowds arrived. This is one very special place.
Raptors in particular are known for repeatedly using the same perch, sometimes over a period of years. And sometimes they’re used by more than one raptor species so it behooves the bird photographer to check them out regularly. If raptors like’m, I like’m – even when they’re less than photogenic.
To say I was excited to get this two shot series is an understatement. A later event took the shine off of one of the images for me but at the time I didn’t know what the future would bring.
It’s been a while since I published a potpourri post so I figured it was about time. Each of the following 8 images was taken over the last 8 days in places like Bear River MBR, Antelope Island, Farmington Bay WMA or other favorite haunts of mine in northern Utah.
This recent Barn Swallow photo just might be my personal favorite of the species I’ve ever taken. It took me a while to come to that conclusion but the more I study it the more I like it.
Please do not pin my images on Pinterest, Tumblr or any other pinning site or social media or use them for anything else without my express permission (and that includes using them as models for paintings, drawings or tattoos etc.).