Northern Harriers And Cooper’s Hawks – Close Encounters Part II Four days ago I was witness to a mostly aerial dogfight between 4-5 Northern Harriers and Cooper’s Hawks on top of Goose Egg Island at Farmington Bay WMA. (9 photos) Continue reading
A Very Close Encounter Between A Northern Harrier And A Cooper’s Hawk Two days ago, as I was cresting the hill on top of Goose Egg Island at Farmington Bay WMA, the excitement was already in progress. (2 photos) Continue reading
A Northern Harrier Photo Of Mine And An Image Thief Exposed How blatant (and clueless) can these image thieves get? (3 photos including screen shots) Continue reading
Pied-billed Grebe – A Unique Diving Technique I’ve photographed this behavior before but never as well as this. (8 photos) Continue reading
Barn Owl On A Leaning Post I like this bird’s rich colors and textures. (2 versions of the same photo) Continue reading
American Kestrels Past And Present A male kestrel from yesterday morning and another one from almost exactly two years ago. (six photos) Continue reading
American Kestrel With Prey A beautiful male in a more colorful winter setting than I usually get. (2 photos) Continue reading
An Upset Adult Bald Eagle Is it fair or even accurate to say that Bald Eagle vocalizations are “ridiculously weak and insignificant.”? Continue reading
Barn Owl In Flight Over Frosty Phragmites Barn Owls in flight in full daylight always get my juices flowing. Continue reading
A Pied-billed Grebe And A Coot Competing For The Same Fish These two birds duked it out for nearly three minutes. (22 photos) Continue reading
Pied-billed Grebe And A Fish – Who’s In Control Here? Turning the tables on a predator, at least temporarily. (2 photos) Continue reading