Tag: farmington bay
Barn Owls In Flight – A Huge Motivator For Learning Good Technique
A Couple Of My Nemesis Birds – Belted Kingfisher and Sora
Snowy Egret – A Twisting, Turning Takeoff (and a defense of “common species”)
The Fattest, Weirdest Sandhill Crane I’ve Ever Seen
Pied-billed Grebe – Just Because I Like The Light
Pied-billed Grebe Beating Up On A Fish
Pied-billed Grebe Making Its Escape With A Fish
Ruddy Duck (and a video clip that’ll get your attention…)
Farmington Bald Eagle Update
Male Pintail – One Handsome Duck Dude
Kestrels Perch In The Oddest Places
Northern Harrier Take-off From The Frozen Marsh
Birds In A Christmas Morning Snowstorm

It’s been my Christmas tradition for years to spend part of the morning photographing birds. I usually have the place (wherever it might be) mostly to myself and personally I find communing with nature on Christmas morning to be quite appropriate and fulfilling. And yesterday’s snowstorm was pure delight.